I just have not been very inspired to do any posts on the personal blog. I don't know why. Maybe it's just that life sometimes is not very interesting. It's the kids last day of school today and I am done with the last minute project drama. That's a relief. I have been very busy with my snapsister taking some engagement photo's of some really great couples. And of course just loving this weather.
Well here is the story of the day. If you own a dog or two you know better than to leave a bag of garbage out. But this morning Becky called and said she and Shanda were going to Woods coffee to buy fair tickets for less. I am all for less. So I sped up my routine and walked right past the garbage. Come home to a mess the evidence is all over Charlie's face. Eddie did nothing of course. So I started running the water. BATH TIME! FIND Charlie and here's what he get's...
Eddie did not appreciate Charlie getting all the attention so he threw himself in front of the shot.
After the bath he warmed up in the sun.
Give up on you? Never!
I'm with you in the no-posting penalty box. Darlin' there is a whole lotta life to live - the weather is stunning, everybody is in a party mood...I say "play now, blog later!"
Oh Charlie... it's all my fault. But you sure are cute in that tub. For me to say you are cute; you must REALLY be cute. I'd even snuggle you after you got all smelling good and the garbage off your whiskers. You are pretty photogenic!
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