Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall is in the air and that's OK with me.

I took a walk to the green house and saw some amazing colors. Did anyone buy mums this year? I think they are pretty.

Dusty miller.. the only living thing from summer...
The grapes are growing and the view from the top is spectacular!
One incredibly handsome and happy dog!

Keep this little guy in your prayers. He's my super hero:)
Thanks for stopping by!


jkluginbill said...

I'm loving autumn right now. Bought a big pot of mums that cheer me when I open the door! Love it all. And your view? Amazing!

Holly said...

I buy mums every year...can't help it, as they scream, in a calming sort of way, FALL!!!!!After they wilt in their pots I plant them in my yard and they almost always come back. 2 for 1 I say!!!!
Great photos!! I love kale too, but my seeds didn't come up:(

Kathi said...

Love the photos, I could look at them over and over-thanks for sharing!