Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project Film. Results.

This was allot of fun! Today I took my film to be developed of the pictures I took with Bill's circa 1979 camera. I like a few of them but there are things I learned and now I want to shoot another roll. In other words the project continues...Let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by!


jkluginbill said...

Jodi, I love them! Really! Charlie and Eddie are adorable and Hana is always a great subject.
I like them all...I always enjoy b&w! You got some great shots! Yay film! (I wonder where my dad's old film camera is...I loved playing w/ it as a teen...). Have fun with your film!

Tami said...

They look great. Are you still checking the back of the camera after every shot?

Becky L. Beck said...

Just love every single one! Would never be able to choose. I love black and white and of course the doggies look cute too.

Holly said...

Too Fun! We have that exact same camera, but don't know how to use it!!! Do you give lessons? The photo's are amazing...Beautiful!

boxcar said...

Te pictures of Hana are absolutely beautiful!! the color ones too....

Kathi said...

Another awesome picture of Hana!

Janice said...

You can make anything look awesome in a photograph - Maybe I should have a photoshoot :-)! Love your angels, the things you snap, etc,,,