Friday, February 12, 2010

It's a vicious cycle...

worry, panic, pray, peace and comfort. repeat. That, in a nutshell, is the week that was. My snapsister's baby was diagnosed with a brain tumor on monday. At first I thought that this is beyond anything she or anyone can handle. But guess what? God can. He holds us up when we can't stand. We see Him in our friends as they tackle this season in their life. So I will try to worry(less), panic(never) pray(always) and basque in His peace and comfort. Will you pray with me?
****check out Jack's blog for updates.
Thanks for stopping by!


Kelly said...

I'm praying for Wendy, her family and you too.

Janice said...

Praying for Jack, Wendi and Cash - you too! My favorite verse when I'm struggling is Isaiah 26:3 - really it's what your post said in a nutshell!

Holly said...

Oh my. I can't begin to imagine. Please know that my prayers are with you and her family. So much sadness, but we have the hope and promises of our Father!

Kathi said...

I'll be praying with you.

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!