When you own your own business you are constantly working in your head. Thinking about things like marketing, bookwork, client emails, blogging, editing and then some creating. I found my passion about 6 or 7 years ago when I went on a shoot with my cousin wendi p. That is about when we created theSNAPsisters. I remember getting home from that shoot and scouring the internet for ideas and ways to learn more. I discovered
Michele Waite's blog and loved the casual artsy style she had. Seriously I am going somewhere with this... Now it is 2012 and I am seeing a new trend. It is a sea of photographers out there. They are at Berthusen Park just about every time I drive by. They are on Facebook and it's someone new all the time and their pictures are really good. Clients that I have had are buying their own camera and taking their own pictures of their kiddos. Someone is getting married and their cousin or uncle or friend has a DSLR and is going to start a business in photography. And they will do it for nothing or cheap. When I meet with a bride she is meeting up with several photographers to weigh her options and she has allot of options. There are allot of really talented photographers out there. Don't get me wrong I am not ranting here. I am just merely thinking about what the future holds for my small business. They call it a flooded market or maybe its the down economy. Oh poo this is depressing. On to the positive. This spring I have been making theSNAPsisters website all new, new galleries, new blog(with all the old post as well) and even a new attitude. I have decided that I LOVE what I do. I will do it for free if I have to but I will never give up on DOING WHAT I LOVE. Also my nest is empty at the moment. If God had not put this passion for photography in front of me I would probably be a mess. I am so thankful I can create and learn and challenge myself.
Please check out
theSNAPsisters new look and thanks for stopping by...